
about us

Qingdao NewBorui Transmission Intellectual Technology Co.,Ltd has been manufacturing articulated propeller shafts and its parts for commercial vehicles, ships and industrial applications for the world’s needs.

Our propeller shaft division is able to build custom propeller shafts for any application while the machine shop specializes in CNC production, maintenance machining and welding.

Whether truck, wind turbine, water mill, ship, paper machine, rolling mill or vintage car;

At NewBorui You Are Right.


Forging Material


The process of open die forging has long been used to ensure strength, toughness, reliability, and the highest quality in flange manufacturing. Today, with greater demands being made in operating temperatures, loads, and stresses, the reliability of the metal and toughness has become increasingly critical. With the advancements of modern forging and machining, flanges in high grade alloys have excellent tolerance capabilities, superior corrosion resistance, and higher efficiency. Working the material at elevated temperatures achieves recrystallization and grain refinement, which results in greater metallurgical soundness and improved mechanical properties. properly developed grain flow in forgings closely follows the outline of the flange. In contrast, bar stock and plate have unidirectional grain flow. Any changes in shape will cut the flow lines, exposing grain ends, and render the flange more susceptible to fatigue and corrosion. In addition, because forgings are designed to approximate final part shape, we can make better use of material than parts machined from casting material. Finally, forging eliminates internal gas pockets and voids in the material that could cause unexpected failure under stress or impact and further increases chemical uniformity throughout the flange.

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